Duties and Responsibilities: Some duties of a Kinesiologist is that they need to know the human body's anatomy and need to know also body movement. They specialize in helping people with physical injuries.They can prescribe muscle movement and also help people with things to do to help them after they have undergone a surgery. Kinesiologists study the effect of exercise on body functions in humans.
Salary:$56,980 annually
Education:There are a number of training schools that offer courses in kinesiology along with certification and license. Aspiring kinesiologists must have a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology. Postsecondary education in subjects like anatomy, physiology, biomedical engineering, biomechanics, statistics, and psychology, although not mandatory, can be very useful. Those who wish to pursue research in the field of kinesiology must have a master’s degree.
Demand or need for this profession: Kinesiologists can find employment in hospitals, healthcare centers, corporate offices, and athletic teams. Spas, resorts, beauty salons, and health clubs also have a rising demand for experienced kinesiologists. Public schools also recruit kinesiologists for their physical education departments. Such job openings are often advertised in Internet job portals and newspapers. Those with an independent bent of mind can begin practicing as private therapists.