Wednesday, December 14, 2016

1.Some things I enjoyed about this class was all the lessons haymore taught us. Such as not choosing  wrong . & always doing good things, so others do it back.

2.Some people were rude at times , although I was one of the victim, I do want to apologize. But other than people being rude there is nothing much.

3.Get all assignments done and try avoiding not coming to this class. Because it can affect you at a moment. But if you don't come to school because of a problem or something, at least go back to the class you missed, and get the assignments you missed.

4.That I actually realized that its good to choose the right and not be a ctw person.

5.I did try my best. Although there was that one time were I just didn't feel good and got into trouble which I do regret now as I had said.

6.Honestly I don't, but I can say that when haymore tells us to write in our journals I do go over all of them and read them. What I also do while reading them is checking if ive accomplish one already. & guess what I did ;). One of the goals I accomplished that I wrote in my journal was to have an opportunity to be MVP in volleyball and I did :)

7.I  am committing to it now. And for that every timer I want to do something wrong I will look at my sss card & remember I always got to choose the right & choose good friends a well. Because the majority of friends people have make them choose the wrong such as
~egg bomb house
 ~ talk back to teachers

Monday, December 12, 2016

“When you tell one lie it leads to another”
What this quote means is that when you lie you think of more lies to make up for that lie so you just add and add more lie to one little lie.So its better for you to not lie and just tell the truth all the time. Don't do thing that are going to make you do lie so just avoid it. Don't do things that are going have consequences also just because you say the truth don't say bad things.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Sting of a Scorpion
Patrick Kearon

What happened was that Patrick did not listen to what his parents told him to always wear shoes and thought to himself that sandals were going to protect him from anything. He said that they would protect him so he keep the sandals on and didn't put shoes on. He walked a little down from his camp site and then he felt like a torn stabbed him. But when he looked down he saw a scorpion and the pain started traveling up his leg to his knee. He started screaming for his mom and they rushed to take him to the nearest hospital which is 2 hours away. When the doctor came he just put a amethysts in the leg and was better but if was not nourished he would have had more difficulty with staying alive. So now he learned his lesson on paying attention to both his parents and choosing the right.


           “Always do right “
What i think this quote means is that no matter what you always have to do the right no matter what. So if you feel like doing something bad you have to do good and try hard to always do good. For example if you are going to the store and want to buy a bag of chips but it cost $1.50 and only brought$1.25 don't steal just go back home and get the money. Don't just steal it pay for it because you have to do good all the time. No matter what make sure you do good and always do good I can't say this anymore but just do good. Remember always choose the right no matter what (;

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

world war II

World War II
They fought the countries Germany,Italy,japan and on the other side was Britain, France, Australia,Canada,new Zealand , united states of america and many more countries that were good or on the good side.They fought in Russia, Europe,Africa,middle east,south Asia and many more places where they fought in different places and they had a lot of places. A lot of people guys during the war were being sterilized and it would take up to 40 min.The Nazi would kill people for no reason. Japanese soldiers would kill babies and they would care they would kill anyone. We can honor the soldiers by giving respect for all soldiers alive and dead. We should not be judge people buy what they look like. If there is still people alive from the war give them respects and thanks for them giving up their life. This is really upsetting for them.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Challenges Teen Face
Teens seem to face a lot in their life but one thing they seem to face is depression 11% have depression and people as they get older they have depression still.The also struggle with bullying that could be for all ages but mostly middle school and high school kids.They struggle with drugs if they get introduced into drugs and might be convinced to sell drugs.Also alcohol use they might need help to stop drinking one day and they well be a hard problem as they get older. Teens also seem with obesity but if people are overweight and are little fatter then you don't judge them because karma will be mean and make you pay back what you did. Teens also struggle with academic things like test and grades those are some hard thing they may struggle with. I feel like it would be school related things like grades and also not what people struggle with but for me it would be walking on the crutches. I don't know what to write for question #3 but i feel like it would be that you being would get good in exchange. I can help them by saying that try to not do bad things in life and not to get down if someone bullies you to not listen to them and to also not be sad if you are depressed.
I feel that teen need a father or mother in their life to help them and if not. A best friend i have a best friend and it doesn't have to a girl because your a girl it can be a boy. I have a boy best friend he is such help in my life and i a m to him and i feel we will never stop being friends with him.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Health Sciences Librarians
Duties and Responsibilities: Able to be patient and be flexible and able to deal with demanding situations. You have to have a lot of knowledge about health and medical stuff. So if your planning to be one make sure to start studying for your carrer. Also make sure that  you have good communication skills.
Education: You have to have a high school Diploma and have some type of experience with the job and maybe so training would be good. A degree related with that would be good also a degree in mental health technology would take up to 2 years to complete .
Demand or Need for this profession: You have to have some type of knowledge of what a Health Medical Librarians. Also you have to do some type of work that may relate to a Health Science Librarians.

Reflection: I would not want to be  Health Science Librarians because i don't like reading and books aren't really my thing. I would rather a coroner or a forensic pathologist.
John F Kennedy
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”
What this quote means is that without physical strength you be healthy or maybe because you're not healthy you don't have any physical strength. Because when you are healthy and you can have a good life. For example if someone needs help caring something and he asked you o help him you are not gonna be able to help him. But if your strong and someone ask you to help lift something up then you can help him but if your weak then you can’t. So its always good be some type of strong and to always be ready for any type of situation that you may have to do that may need you to be strong and for you to be strong you need to be healthy and good in shape or you can also be not healthy and be strong. But it would be better if you were healthy and strong. So next time somebody ask if you can help them pick this up then you can help then and you wouldn’t have to

Monday, November 28, 2016


“Kindness is the essence of greatness”

I think this means is that kindness will lead you to success and no matter what if you are kind good things will happen to you.For example if you are going to a job interview and say bad words and aren't respectful you probably are not going to get the job. But if you go in a suit or dress and look presentable and not use bad language you might get the job if your record is clean not like other person's record with crimes. And he also had bad situation were he had a hostage and police had to handcuff to the police door so he wouldn't escape. So if being kind  will do you good then be the most nicest person you can be and try to always be one. So what i think the quotes main purpose mean is that be kind and good things will happen
    Image result for joseph b wirthlin


     My thanksgiving week was alright. Although i had to get my homework done for my classes. Also thinking that it was almost gonna be monday stressed me out           because i did not want to wake up early for school. I guess i am used to sleeping late now that im really tired right now during class time.

Thursday, November 17, 2016



“If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.”

What this quote is saying is that if something is not true do not say it.If something is not right do not do it.An example can be if you are told not to jump over the fence and you do it then you are choosing the wrong.Another example can be when you are told a secrect and you tell someone the secert that is not being a good friend and you should not be trusted.So this quote explains how you should not do something bad and alwasy do good.Basically the quote explains itself it goes striaght to the point that if you do bad bad it can probably do something bad to your reputation.So always do good and try to not do anything wrong and always say the trut and nothing but the truth.Never say a lie because it is bad to tell lies to people.Something that is ussally hard o do is decide t tell a lie to protect someones feelings. That might be something hard so when you get older see if other people will tell you a lie to protect your feeling.I probably would depending on the person but i probably would tell them the truth.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Veterans  Day
Veterans day is the first anniversary of world war 1 in 1919. This is a public holiday to honor the US veterans that passed away during the war. Veterans day is the day is always on November 11, the day in which the world war 1 ended. The purpose of Veterans day is to honor the fact that the first world war ended and to praise of those whom died. It is significant to honor the veterans, because it is a way to acknowledging the sacrifices they made while serving our country. Some ways to show honor and respect on veterans day is placing some flowers or flags on the grave of the veterans. That shows honor of the sacrifices they’ve done. Another example is to take a moment of silence to remember those who gave their lives for our freedom. Another example is to wear red, white, and blue to honor them.

Reflection: My feelings towards veterans day is great holiday to really show honor for those who made a huge sacrifice for our freedom. Many people enjoy veterans day, because they don’t have to work or go to school. However , little do they know, that this is a holiday to honor them. The veterans are true ctr people. Their sacrifice was very humble. I feel that more people should appreciate veterans.So all I can say to them is thank you.
Duties and responsibilities: Chiropractors are health care providers who work with patients dealing with problems related to bones, muscles, ligaments and
Salary: The average salary for a Chiropractor is $58,740 per year.

Education: Chiropractic education requires at least 4 years of professional study and includes a 4-year undergraduate/college prerequisite in most states.
Demand for this profession : Employment is expected to grow faster than average for chiropractors because of increasing consumer demand for alternative health care.

     Reflection : i would not wanna be in this in life because i have other goals to accomplish.


Duties and responsibilities : Creating treatment plans to maintain or restore the oral health of their patients. Interpreting x-rays and diagnostic tests. Ensuring the safe administration of anesthetics.
salary :149,310 USD
Education :
Education Requirements. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that most dentalstudents obtain a bachelor's degree prior to entering dental school

Need for this profession : Dentists diagnose and treat problems with a patient’s teeth, gums, and related parts of the mouth.

Reflection ; i would not like to be an dentist because i have other goals in life that i would like to accomplish . but besides that a dentist is not so bad


School homecoming
Homecoming is an annual tradition in the United States. People, towns, high schools, and colleges come together, usually in late September or early October, to welcome back alumni and former residents.
We celebrate homecoming to welcome back students.
  • Games
Its called the homecoming game because it’s something that’s being organized for football and welcoming high school students
My opinion towards home coming is great i mean you get to spend time with your friends and have fun


Student success statement
“ dont sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often “
                                  Peter vidmar

Peter vidmar is a really inspiring person like now i actually look up to him for following his dreams like look at him now he’s an olympic championship . One of my goals is to become USC’S best volleyball player !


                       WILLIAM PENN
This statement probably will open someone’s mind on knowing that not every things right even though many people are against it.
Yeah wrong might be wrong even if many people are for it which means almost everyone does it. Their like up to doing many wrong things. But it’s not something good to do. MANY PEOPLE NEED TO CTR (CHOOSE THE RIGHT )



When you do good many people like you better because who you are. Also because you are a great person which makes others think good about yourself.doing good shows good knowledge too.In fact many people who have alot of friends is because they choose the right.

I think that it was very generous for that the opposing team told the fans to cheer for the other team. It was really generous, considering that no one was cheering for their team. They wanted the other team to feel motivated, and these two boys made that happen. It was very thoughtful of them to ask their own fans to cheer for the other team so that the other team can feel motivated. The other team was very happy to be there that almost everyone was cheering for them. They were thankful because of the two boys that helped them feel motivated. They said that it was something that they will never forget because it was something unexpected. In fact the opposite  team was choosing the right by letting their fans cheer for the other team.


These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity
Have the courage to say no.
Have the courage to face the truth
                                                 Do the right thing because it is right

If you want to live a life with integrity you have to follow the 3 steps which are telling you to live a nice life. If you do not follow the rules to live a good life you will be unsuccessful in life. If you choose to not follow these rules you with not have a good life and that would be bad.So no matter wht you have to choose the right in this rules. When you have to do something that may change your life you have to follow these rules and try to follow each one exactly.If you are just living a average life just make sure to follow the rules .All though something may seem hard you have to keep trying and not give up. Always do the best you can do and don't give up. Don’t give up and keep trying on whatever you are doing. Also don’t try to do thing that will always need the rules. So never give up on what you wanna do just do it . If you know something is right but choose not to do it because people might judge you for doing the right. It does not matter do what’s right. And what’s going to lead you to a success full life.


What this quote is explaining is what values are important. In a game,contest, or even in life you either win or lose. Winning is something that everyone wants to achieve. On the other hand losing is something that no one wants. But it is not whether you win or lose it is how you play the game. This quote explains just that by saying that winning isn't everything and losing is not bad. It is what you do and what your actions are that lead you to winning or losing. So no matter what choose the right. Don’t let other people judge you for doing something honorable,but then lose.

Friday, October 21, 2016

  student success statement : 
 choosing a good name
"a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches."
choosing a good name is someone who is known as a great person such as responsible caring and sweet
someone who dose not chose a good name is someone who is the opposite of a good name

                       health educator 

duties and responsibilities: Promote, maintain, and improve individual and community health by assisting individuals and communities to adopt healthy behaviors.     
salary : 41,830 USD


Image result for health educator education
Health educators promote, maintain, and improve individual and community health by assisting individuals and communities to adopt healthy behaviors. ... They may also serve as a resource to assist individuals, other professionals, or the community, and may administer fiscal resources for health education programs.
demand for this profession:
health educators teach people about behaviors that promote wellness. They develop and implement strategies to improve the health of individuals and communities. Community health workers collect data and discuss health concerns with members of specific populations or communities.

Image result for health educator    reflection: i would not want to be a health educator because i have other goals i would like to accomplish

Friday, September 23, 2016



DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Dermatologists are physicians who treat conditions related to the skin, though they may also treat disorders related to the hair and nails.

SALARY: About 18% of dermatologists earn $500,000 or more; about 12% earn $100,000 or less.

EDUCATION:   A dermatologists undergo additional specialized training beyond receiving a medical degree to become experts in skincare, and they must also obtain a license to practice.


Dermatologists enjoy competitive compensation and quality of life as compared to many other physician specialties. Description: REFECTION: I would not want to be ones because I have other goals in life I would like to accomplish ;)