Monday, November 28, 2016


“Kindness is the essence of greatness”

I think this means is that kindness will lead you to success and no matter what if you are kind good things will happen to you.For example if you are going to a job interview and say bad words and aren't respectful you probably are not going to get the job. But if you go in a suit or dress and look presentable and not use bad language you might get the job if your record is clean not like other person's record with crimes. And he also had bad situation were he had a hostage and police had to handcuff to the police door so he wouldn't escape. So if being kind  will do you good then be the most nicest person you can be and try to always be one. So what i think the quotes main purpose mean is that be kind and good things will happen
    Image result for joseph b wirthlin

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