Tuesday, November 15, 2016


These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity
Have the courage to say no.
Have the courage to face the truth
                                                 Do the right thing because it is right

If you want to live a life with integrity you have to follow the 3 steps which are telling you to live a nice life. If you do not follow the rules to live a good life you will be unsuccessful in life. If you choose to not follow these rules you with not have a good life and that would be bad.So no matter wht you have to choose the right in this rules. When you have to do something that may change your life you have to follow these rules and try to follow each one exactly.If you are just living a average life just make sure to follow the rules .All though something may seem hard you have to keep trying and not give up. Always do the best you can do and don't give up. Don’t give up and keep trying on whatever you are doing. Also don’t try to do thing that will always need the rules. So never give up on what you wanna do just do it . If you know something is right but choose not to do it because people might judge you for doing the right. It does not matter do what’s right. And what’s going to lead you to a success full life.

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